
Guys, I know. This page is quite verbose. To ensure that we get along, & that you get good value from your time, please look over these 9 points of etiquette. Kindly do so as soon as you can, after receiving an appointment confirmation. Thanks!

  1. During our veritable meeting, asking me to explain other session styles may deter from the sensual moment. As our time may be brief, let’s make it count. The Sessions pages & my Blog are informative. As being asked to change session styles on the day we meet will throw me off, do stick to what we’ve planned for. When you are ready for a new experience, I would love to schedule a second session with you.

2.  The details to get into my building, & up to my condo, are detailed indeed. Do NOT say my stage name out loud if we need to talk on the phone to help you get in. The entry protocol is written to ensure you don’t get lost in this big complex. I’ll send several texts for entry. You must respond with “okay” or “copy that”, as directions arrive to your phone. Should receipt fail to be confirmed, I may not know it is you knocking, and I may not open my door!

3. The front doors are not sound proof, so please knock very gently. Once inside, let’s quietly introduce ourselves. Your donation can be set on the entry counter. We can speak freely in the massage room. Also, please make a calm & quiet departure.

4. Feel free to make use of the sundries in the bathroom, such as hand sanitizer, soap, or mouthwash. If possible, it’s best to avoid wearing a lot of cologne or using heavy after shave. Should you need to pop into the shower upon arrival, just let me know. Shoes can be left on the floor in the entry way. Please use either the massage room or the bathroom for undressing and re-dressing.

5. Overly personal queries such as “How did you get into this?” or “Do you live here?” may ruin the mood. I do enjoy banter & conversation when the mood calls for it. My About Me and FAQ pages may be worth reading. We don’t need to talk about if I was born in Chicago, but we can certainly chat about the weather, or better yet, your session.

6. Good communication is sexy. We can always pause during the experience, to determine the most appropriate trajectory. Always feel free to tell me how you are feeling, and to share about what you don’t, or do enjoy. I am happy to accommodate if it makes sense to do so.

7. (#7 is very important) The act of solo gratification should be enjoyed elsewhere, as my massage studio is not a self pleasuring zone, & I am not a cam girl. It’s best to reserve the joy of self pleasuring for personal time at home. Arriving to me physically drained is not good form, & my magical powers do have limits. Please do not book merely one hour if a longer session may be needed. Book an appropriate amount of time, & please save your energy for me!

8. 5G devices and smart watches emit stress inducing radiation. Let’s relax & unplug, shall we? Please plan on powering down during your visit to my urban oasis. If you wouldn’y mind, it’s also good to put devices in my shielded faraday bag. I ask for this because wireless tech with even 5% battery power still emit toxic radiation, even when “off”. My faraday bag is kept in the entry area by coat and shoes. 5G devices (& other connected), but especially 5G, emit highly aggressive frequencies.

9. With the exception of, I maintain a No Review policy. Exposure to internet gossip is demeaning and distasteful. If my having a presence on shall not be named, “review, slander & extort” sites is of great import, then we may not be a match. There are other ways to ensure that I am “real”, such as familiarizing yourself with my intentional online presence. All of the sites that I actually choose to be represented on can be viewed by visiting my links page.

Thank you for reading my lengthy etiquette page, so as to keep my incall enjoyable for both of us. Do feel free to inform me of your caveats!